India is the world's second most populated country. By comparison, the world's third largest country (the United States) has three times the land area, but just one fourth the population of India.

India is 80% Hindu and 12% Muslim. Surprisingly, India is the second most populated Muslim country. Since the early 1990's, Hindu extremism has led to an erosion of guaranteed religious freedoms, and persecution of Christians is growing rapidly.

Hinduism is the world's third largest religion. The average Hindu associates the Gospel with the underclasses and lower castes.

India has more, and larger, people groups with no Christians, churches, or workers than any other part of the world. No other part of the world has such a concentration of unevangelized people.

The church in India fights nominalism. Many congregations have no first generation Christians from a non-Christian background. There is on average, one pastor for every six congregations. Among the growing middle classes, there's virtually no meaningful contact with Christianity.

The Carpenter's Project remains active both in church construction and church planting through a partnership with Berean Baptist Bible College & Seminary in Bangalore.

For information on our church planting efforts see our Timothy Projects page.